Asbestos Health Test
Washing Work-Clothes Can Expose Family Members to Asbestos
Household Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos Health Line has been providing our asbestos health tests for over six years, and we’re proud to have helped thousands of asbestos workers. Recently, we began offering our health tests to spouses of our existing clients because asbestos fibers often travel home on the clothes of asbestos workers.
We were surprised that in many cases, the spouse of the asbestos-worker had more damage to his or her lungs than the actual worker. That’s because most clothes-washing occurs in confined spaces, like laundry rooms, garages, or closets. When the asbestos-worker brings his or her dusty clothes home, the person washing them usually would shake (or beat) the dust off of the worker’s clothes. Doing so would put large quantities of asbestos in the air, and that asbestos-laden air would be recirculated endlessly in the confined space. The result of that is that spouses who wash the clothes of an asbestos-worker sometimes breathe in more asbestos than the worker did. This is especially true if the worker spent most of his or her time working outside.
Dr. John has treated dozens of wives who developed cancer or mesothelioma from washing their husband’s clothes, and in almost every one of those cases, the husband did not develop cancer but the wife did. In fact, housewives are the fastest-growing category of individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma.
If you worked around asbestos, you of course owe it to yourself to get one of our free health tests. If you had a spouse or partner wash your clothes when you worked with asbestos, you should both be tested. Call us at 855-397-3997 to setup your free test today.